Beautiful Friday. I left Maseru early in the morning and went to Butha Buthe, 100 km going East on a good tar road. 10 km later, I took the B161, a long gravel road which goes parallel to the South African border. It was Ok at the beginning and later turn up harder and harder, but always beautiful.
That is what I like most. Feeling alone in the wilderness and being like drunk. Lesotho people are poor but nice. The only problem I found is what white people we have done. The children asked me for money or sweets. What should they do when we have calmed down our souls treating them like beggars. So, they are asking what is supposed the white men give. I am fed up of being asked for gifts but I know is our fault.
Finally, the road became really hard and terrible. My German Princess worked really well. I love that machine. The tyres she wear are appropriated for that job. The Metzeler Sahara are good enough in asphalt and in gravel. I just fall down once when the path broke in deep trenches. I do not want imagine how that part of the way could be when raining. A mud pool, for sure.
After 4 hours riding, we both ended up at the South African border and got no problem to go back in. We are having night at Harrysmith, an small town in the Free State. Tomorrow, heading Swaziland.
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