When I easily crossed the border I noticed I am really far from Cape Town and I did it even damaged. Dammed stupid TFM! I am playing with my health but this is a desire victory. If you really want something, you can achieve it. No matter if it is love, distances or happiness. You should know what you really want. Sometimes is time to give up, but I am not a quitter.
Rehab is for quitters. No solo motorcycle trip is never easy but this journey it’s been one of the hardest I did. My wounds are still open and my ankle hurts, but I am enjoying small pleasures like stopping on the road and eat the most fresh and cheapest fruit you can imagine.
What’s next? I do not know. I am plenty of energy and Mozambique looks great. I will look for some nasty roads to loose myself till my boring job calls me and I have to bury myself behind a desk in 2010.
Keep well.
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