My German Princess gave me back the pain I gave her forgiving our love for 8 months. We bumped into the barrier 40 km away from Mussel Bay when we were entering into the Garden Route. I am not going to be able to ride to the next corner for a while. My Kenyan dream has vanished.
I broke my ankle. That sometimes happens. I had been so lucky so far and I have not complaints. I lived the dream and I still feel I am very lucky. Jesus must love me, I do not why, otherwise I could have been killed or seriously injured. But I am gonna survive as I did before.
I can say I am happy because, again, another angel appeared to help. South Africa is not a good place to crash. People are so afraid of hi jacking crime and for 15 minutes I was bleeding on the road and no one stopped. Nor blacks, nor coloured, neither whites. They just looked at me and kept going on their ways.
The 112 number revealed useless. I was in problems because anyone could stop and rob me even being damaged. Here your life does not worth a mobil phone. Then stopped a van carrying a trailer with a bike on. The guy, Rydall, a hard worker and a biker also, put my bike on the trailer and picked us to Port Elisabeth, where the Princess is being fixed by Alan Lewis, one of the best BMW mechanics, and I was being cured in the hospital.
Bikers we are really different people. Even in South Africa we stop to help bikers when nobody does. Alan and his wife are taking care of me, looking for place to stay, and Rydall’s wife offered me any help I could need while her husband is out driving the van to feed their family.
Should I say I had bad luck? No way. My ankle will be ready in short time and I will forget someday it was broken, but now I have new friends I will never forget.
Keep safe.
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