These guys are my new friends Rydall and Alan. Rydall is the angel who picked me up from the road to Port Elisabeth Hospital. And Alan has already fixed the German Princess, so she looks much better than me.She is beautiful now and has some guys who want to be her boyfriends.
This is the fantastic dog Alan has at home. He can not be in a better place, playing among motorcycles and bikers. Look at the floor, one could eat there. What a wonderful workshop.
And this happy man is me buying pain relief pills in a pharmacy. My foot is in such kind of galactic boot and I can also walk with cratches. Do not worry about me. In a short time I am gonna be back to the war.
Be well
Two six packs beer - just what the doctor ordered?
And a bottle of wine!
when you cannot avoid an obstacle it is good to know how to bounce!
glad you are on the mend.
ride well my friend
Brad Z. (one of two ugly guys in Arizona)
Ride an owl the wrong way and she will throw you.
I hope you are better now and stealing wind single handedly.
You are a one armed bandit.
Hope you get back on the fat soon.
All the best
TFM Chris
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